Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Whistle While You Work!

I have been adding many items to my shop. I am up to 181 listings as of the time I write this post. I am trying to get as many items up as I can to give everyone plenty of choices when the Holiday season rolls around. It won't be long. I have taken pictures of about 25 more items and will be getting those listed this week.

I enjoy making chainmail and Steampunk items. For me it is less like work and more like fun for the most part. It is a good thing to love what you do. Since I have been making chainmail for over 25 years it is often times difficult for me to create new items. I tend to make a lot of what I think is good as well as things that I think will sell.

My wonderful girlfriend, Rachel, brought to my attention that I should make things other than what I think would sell. She gave me some projects to do that will be up in the shop soon. I wanted to ask you what you would like to see me make in chainmail. Leave me a comment with your suggestions. Who know, if you come up with a great new product I might just send you one for the idea.

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